All 43 school districts in Tulare County and the Tulare County Office of Education have joined together to participate in the Tulare County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).
The CBEDS count for Tulare County
is 103,939 students (Dec. 2018).
The Tulare County/District SELPA serves approximately 10,418 individuals with exceptional needs, providing special education and related services.
The Tulare County Office of Education has been designated the Administrative Unit of the Tulare County/District SELPA. Tammy Bradford, Assistant Superintendent, Special Services Division is the chief administrator for
the SELPA.

The Tulare County SELPA is committed to providing a free appropriate public education, including special education instruction and/or support services, to any eligible student regardless of the size or location of the district of residence in Tulare County.
Appropriate special education services are provided within the geographical area of the Tulare County/District SELPA through a full continuum of program options for children from birth to 22 years of age.

The Tulare County/District SELPA responsibilities include:
Ensuring program availability for all children with disabilities
Curriculum/program development support
Surrogate parent training
Community Advisory Committee support
Management Information System
Transition planning
Personnel development
Budget planning and review
Evaluation of special education programs
Program coordination
Fiscal management/monitoring
Program Specialists service
Community awareness

Phone: (559) 730-2910
Fax: (559) 730-2511
TTY Hearing Impaired : (559) 733-6314
6200 S. Mooney Blvd.
Visalia, California 93277