Community Advisory Committees (CACs) are at the heart of the Special Education system in California. They are a vital component of parent-community involvement and are designed to reflect the families they serve. The CAC of the Tulare County SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area) is composed of individuals from all four geographic regions in the county who meet monthly to discuss current topics in special education and provide feedback to the SELPA Director. Members include: parents, educators, students and adults with special needs, representatives of public and private agencies, and anyone wanting to be involved with the needs of individuals with disabilities. The 5th Edition of the California SELPA CAC Guide explaining more can be found here.
Becoming a part of the CAC gives you a voice in the development of the Local Plan—the blueprint for how Special Education services will be delivered to students in Tulare County. State law (California Education Code, Section 56194) calls for such community involvement and describes how the CAC will serve an advisory role. Meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities to give input, participate in training related to special education, connect with parents and administration, and learn about local resources for students with disabilities. Whether you are a student who qualifies for special education, a parent or family member of a student, or a teacher or staff person, we welcome you. Scroll down to learn more about getting involved!

Students with disabilities can meet school challenges through support and encouragement from home and school. Research, history, and experience show that children do better in school when parents are actively involved in their child's education, and Tulare County SELPA provides many opportunities to learn more, get support, and become involved. Click the buttons below to find out how.

Support and promote a free, appropriate public education for students with special needs
Increase awareness of the needs and abilities of special education students
Advise the SELPA Administrator and the Directors of Special Education Committee on special education issues
Recognize and honor people, agencies and businesses that support the principles of special education
Become familiar with current trends and issues in special education

If you would like to serve on the Committee, please call the Director of Special Education in your district or call Malinda Furtado, Parent Liaison, TCOE at (559) 730-2910 ext. 5125
Note: we suggest that you attend one or more meetings prior to requesting membership

Dr. Anthony Martin, Teacher, General Education
Eric Lindberg, Parent (Special Ed)
Mia Griswold-Adkins, Parent (Special Ed)
Sally Fernandes, Parent (Special Ed)
Alicia Del Hoyo, Parent (Special Ed)
Connie Acevedo, Parent (Special Ed)
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Stephanie Caldera, Special Education Parent
Tiffany Stark, Special Education Parent
Stephanie Lopez, CVRC Agency Representative
Bryce Meek-Flores, Exceptional Individual
Dr. Regina Green, Administrator, Earlimart
Timberly Romero, First 5 Agency Representative
Irma Peralta, Special Education Parent
Malinda Furtado, Parent Liaison Coordinator
Tulare County Office of Education
(559) 730-2910 ext. 5125